How to Add a Panopto Video Quiz in Blackboard

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Panopto allows faculty to create quiz questions within any Panopto video at any point during the presentation. This guide will demonstrate how to how to embed the quiz into Blackboard, so the Grade Center automatically collects your student’s quiz score.

Please refer to the How to Create a Video Quiz in Panopto guide for instructions on how to create the in-video quiz.

Step 1: First, you must have created the Video Quiz in Panopto and copied the Panopto recording into your course folder. For instructions on how to copy recordings into your Panopto course folder, please reference the Copying Panopto Videos into a Blackboard Course Folder guide.

Step 2: In Blackboard select a content page where you wish to embed the Quiz. Go to the Build Content menu and select SPS Panopto Quiz.

Step 3: In the content editor, select the More icon (three ellipses) to expand the full toolbar and then select the Add Content icon, which looks like a circle with a plus symbol in it.

Step 4: Select Panopto Video from the Add Content menu.

Step 5: Enable Evaluation and add the desired points for the quiz.

Step 6: When ready, click Submit. This will create a gradebook column in Blackboard Grade Center.

You have successfully added a Panopto Video Quiz to the Blackboard Grade Center.

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